Overcoming the ‘marketing ick’: embracing the softness of storytelling marketing

As a service-based professional, you know the importance of marketing yourself. After all, when you’re self-employed, you are your brand. But let’s be honest – talking about yourself and your achievements can feel, well, icky. Welcome to the world of the ‘marketing ick’.

The Story Shed overcoming the marketing ick

What is the ‘marketing ick’?

This term was actually coined by one of my clients when she told me that it feels icky to market herself. That resonated deeply with me.

The ‘marketing ick’ is that uncomfortable, counter-intuitive feeling you get when you think about promoting your business – and by extension, yourself. It’s the voice in your head asking, “How do I market myself without sounding like an egocentric douche?”

If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re not alone.

As service providers, whether you’re a psychotherapist, psychologist, lawyer, or any other professional, your expertise is your product. This means that to market your services effectively, you need to talk about yourself, your skills, and your accomplishments. But for many of us, this feels uncomfortably close to bragging.

The Story Shed overcoming the marketing ick

The power of brand storytelling

Here’s where storytelling marketing comes in. Brand storytelling with a soft approach is a powerful tool that can help you overcome the ‘marketing ick and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. It’s not about boasting or hard-selling; it’s about sharing your journey, your passion, and your purpose.

Three strategies to soften the ‘marketing ick’

  1. Reflect on your journey
    Take some time to think about your professional path. What inspired you to start your business? What challenges have you overcome? What milestones have you achieved, and how did you feel in those “yay! moments? These elements form the foundation of your brand story. By sharing these experiences, you’re not just talking about yourself – you’re offering insight, inspiration, and connection to your potential clients.
  2. Connect with fellow ick-sufferers
    Remember, your story isn’t just about you – it’s about how your experiences can help others. I recently chatted with a lovely woman who quit her corporate job to pursue her dream of becoming a baker. She told me that she doesn’t think she should share her personal journey, because who will care about her cancer diagnosis? But, it was this diagnosis that prompted her to follow her dreams. My first reaction was, “YOU HAVE TO TELL IT!” As soon as I realised how deeply someone else’s story grips me, even if they feel it’s icky, I found that I could share mine with more confidence – because… what if other people also find my journey interesting and WANT to do business with me because of it?
  3. Share in Snippets
    You don’t have to make every piece of marketing all about you. Instead, mix it up. Share snippets of your story alongside valuable industry information, client testimonials, and insights into your work. Plus, everything doesn’t have to be shared chronologically on one platform! With the help of a good brand storyteller, you can craft a storytelling strategy that stretches across different platforms, like web content, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, e-mail newsletters and digital ads. This approach allows you to gradually build a connection with your audience without feeling like you’re constantly in the spotlight.

The benefits of storytelling marketing

When done authentically, brand storytelling can transform your marketing from an uncomfortable, icky necessity to a genuine connection with your audience. It allows you to:

  • Build trust with potential clients
  • Demonstrate your expertise in a relatable way
  • Differentiate yourself in a crowded market
  • Create emotional connections that lead to long-term client relationships

Read my blog about creating an unforgettable brand if you’re starting your own business.

Embracing your unique story

Remember, no one else has lived your experiences or can offer your unique perspective. Your story is what sets you apart in a sea of similar services. In a world filled with bots, people are increasingly interested in knowing the person behind a service.

The key is to approach your marketing with authenticity and a genuine desire to help others. When you focus on how your experiences and expertise can benefit your clients, the ‘marketing ick’ begins to fade, replaced by a sense of purpose and connection.

If you’re still feeling stuck or unsure how to share your story effectively, don’t worry. At The Story Shed, I specialise in helping service-based professionals overcome the ‘marketing ick’ with a soft storytelling approach.

Lani Fouche The Story Shed Brand Storytelling

With a journalism career spent telling stories about horrifying events, unimaginable goodness and the people behind them, I’m here to help you craft a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your ideal clients and feels authentic to you.

Check out my Content Marketing services and the Brand & Web Design package – all tailored to your needs. Get in touch with me – I’d love to chat!

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Overcoming the ‘marketing ick’: embracing the softness of storytelling marketing

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